Democratic Principles-Based Reconstruction of Presidential Threshold Provisions on Indonesian Presidential Elections
1Muh. As Sidiq, 2Fifiana Wisnaeni
1,2Master of Law Study Program, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i2-24

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The problem raised in this paper is how to reconstruct the Presidential Threshold Provisions for the Election of the President and Vice President in Indonesia, based on the principles of democratic elections. In this paper, the author guided Constructivism as a paradigm and used Legal Constructivism as an approach, which will lead to conceptual ideas. The results of this study that the ideal setting regarding the provisions of the Presidential Threshold for the nomination of President and Vice President in Indonesia would be more appropriate if it can be 0%. This is an effort to present many qualified candidates for President and Vice President so that the public can see a more diverse range of pairs and will also encourage the application of the principles of democratic elections.


Democracy; Presidential Threshold; Election of President and Vice President


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